We are...

Nala, Black Labrador and Lucy, Chocolate Labrador, both born in 1997...will be 13 years old in 2010. We want to tell you about us to the WORLD!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nala...Got a dog massage!


I went out with my friends yesterday, and got a massage!

Bunch of dogs got together and rubbed and pushed here and there...a bit weird in the beginning but got kinda nice towards the end...I usually dont like lying down when I am not at home, but I tried it cuz it was somehow comfortable.

But I have to tell you the worst part...they (people) took us to the nice cafe and they had nice fancy cakes but us! I tried and tried but I could not help protesting for us...we deserved some too!!

Yeah, I knew that people were not happy me voicing it though...and I knew it would've gotten me into a bit of trouble...but hey..I got some pieces of strawberry after all...YAY!

I wish I knew the better way than voicing it when it comes to food...if you know any better way, please let me know I would love to hear it with my mouth open!!

Love xx